Downtown Woodstock BIA in Woodstock
On February 02 at 7:38 PM
It's Groundhog Day and It's a very special day for Schaus Decorating here in Downtown Woodstock! Congratulations on 30 successful years! So privileged to have you on our streets! Best Wishes, Dave, Marilyn, and your amazing team at Schaus Decorating

Downtown Woodstock BIA in Woodstock
On February 01 at 9:19 AM
So long, January.

Downtown Woodstock BIA in Woodstock
On February 01 at 9:19 AM
A special networking event for Members!

Downtown Woodstock BIA in Woodstock
On January 20 at 10:22 AM
Hello Friends. The BIA office will be closed from January 20th until January 30th. We will be open and back to business on January 31st at 9:00am.

Downtown Woodstock BIA in Woodstock
On January 19 at 10:00 AM
Thanks for shopping locally!

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