Watermelonworks in Woodstock
On December 02 at 12:15 PM
All set up and ready. #ETT2016 #Federationday Prime Minister Trudeau will be the keynote! Exciting! #dowhatyoulovelovewhatyoudo #french #fslchat

Watermelonworks in Woodstock
On November 30 at 11:59 AM
Excellent article. http://blog.fountasandpinnell.com/post/a-level-is-a-teacher-s-tool-not-a-child-s-label1?utm_content=41534628&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter

Watermelonworks in Woodstock
On September 01 at 9:13 AM
Happy anniversary!!!! Today is the actual date 5 years ago, that Apple approved the launch of the Watermelonworks™ iPad version only app for sale. Shout out to Thomas and Ernest for being amazing guys to teach an old dog new tricks. Quite the learning curve! YES Steve Jobs did rubber stamp the app. That is probably the most cool part of this part of the adventure. :D Have you got your copy yet? http://apple.co/2c8hkyd #phonemicawareness #CVC #lettersounds #phonics #patented #Canadianmade #laconsciencephonemique #fsl #frimm #mfl #historyinthemaking

Watermelonworks in Woodstock
On August 26 at 7:34 PM
#UGignite conference all set up and ready. Great people and location!

Watermelonworks in Woodstock
On August 22 at 9:14 AM
Watermelonworks updated their profile page in the Business Directory

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